"Humanity will be renewed in the Orchard, and the Orchard will restore it."

CALVILLE BLANC D'HIVER is the classic dessert apple of France, and is of either French or German origin. It was mentioned by LeLecire, procureur for Louis XIII, at Orleans in 1627, and it likely dates to the late 16th century. This is a large, flattish, round apple, with uneven ribs extending the entire length of the fruit and terminating in prominent unequal ridges at the base. It is pale-green in color with light red dots on the side exposed to the sun. It turns yellow in storage as it matures, and should be stored a month or longer to develop its maximum flavor. It has distinctiveness described by some as effervescence. In vitamin C, it ranks very high. A vigorous shy bearer that needs a sunny location to ripen fully, the tree does not produce fruit of the highest quality until it has cropped for a number of years. Other than its very high dessert quality, it makes exceptional cider and cider vinegar. Ripens in October. Good culinary apple as well.
Ripening Period
- Mid Fall - October