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LODI is also called Improved Yellow Transparent, Early Golden, and Golden Lodi. There are a number of strains. Introduced by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in 1924, it is a seedling of Yellow Transparent crossed with Montgomery. Green turning clear-yellow on ripening, sometimes with a brownish-yellow flush, the white flesh is crisp, juicy and mildly subacid. There are prominent white or greenish lenticels. A vigorous productive tree that is resistant to cold temperatures, the bark is a yellowish-olive in color, and the large leaves are dull and coarse. When crops are heavy, thinning is necessary to produce large fruit. Cross-pollination is necessary for this early bearing tree, and it is resistant to scab infection. The fruit is larger, firmer, and stores longer than the Yellow Transparent, but some report that it lacks the culinary quality of both Yellow Transparent and Gravenstein. Suitable for pie making, applesauce, and apple butter, it bruises easily and the flesh breaks down rapidly after harvesting. Lodi ripens in late June and early July

Ripening Period

  • Early Summer - June
  • Mid Summer - July