From the founding of Jamestown to the time of Washington and Jefferson, every plantation owner made cider, drank cider, and bragged about his cider.

SMOKEHOUSE has the synonyms English Vandervere, Gibbons Smokehouse, Millcreek Vandevere, Millcreek, Red Vandevere and Smoke House. It originated on the farm of William Gibbons near Millcreek, Pennsylvania, in the early 1800s, and was brought to notice in 1837. It is thought to be a seedling of Vandevere. Large in size and rectangular to truncate-conic in shape, the greenish-yellow skin is flushed a red and striped carmine. Russet dots cover much of the surface. The yellowish-white flesh is crisp and tender with a subacid flavor. A vigorous grower, it is a heavy cropper that requires annual pruning. It develops a dense head that must be thinned out for sun and air penetration. The bark is reddish on new growth, and the large, oval, green leaves are very sharply-serrated and are smooth and shiny. It exhibits some resistance to collar rot and is slightly susceptible to scab and mildew. This all-purpose apple is good for cooking in September and for dessert in October.
Ripening Period
- Mid Fall - October