"Humanity will be renewed in the Orchard, and the Orchard will restore it."

YELLOW TRANSPARENT has the synonyms Grand Sultan, White Transparent, Russian Transparent and Early Transparent. It originated in Russia or one of the Baltic States and was introduced into Europe in the early 1800s, and into the United States in 1870. Medium in size and round in shape, the smooth skin is a greenish-white that ripens to a pale-yellow with inconspicuous dots, russet or green in color. The white flesh is crisp and juicy with an acid flavor. Refreshing, well-flavored, soft, pale-cream flesh, whose acidity can make it too sharp for some tastes. Cooks to a cream puree, sweet, balanced, flavorsome. The medium-sized tree grows upright and vigorously and is exceptionally hardy, with short and crooked branches that are heavily spurred. The oval to ovate shaped leaves are medium to yellowish-green with dull serrations. Yellow Transparent is subject to both scab and fireblight. The fruit is easily bruised, and thinning is necessary to increase the size. It will store for only a few weeks, and ripens in late June and early July over a 3 to 4 week period.
Ripening Period
- Early Summer - June
- Mid Summer - July